Read it Please..!!!

My Boys

My Boys

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Hehehe..... *Nyengir..*
SHAWOl.. akhirny SHINing admin dah dapat Video SHINee di IAM...
yaaaaaaaaahhhhh walaupun kualitas gambarny masih jelek.. tp setidakny bisa ngilangin rasa penasaran Shawolll........
So Enjoy it...!!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

SHINee Message Eng Translate...

25 May 2008 - Hari Debut Mereka..
25 May 2012 - 4th Anniversary..

SHINee dah 4 tahun..... Waktu berjalan dengan sangat cepat....

kali ini... SHINing Admin akan Nge-Share Message dari para member SHINee... walaupun baru dari Onew, Taemin and MInho..... Jjong Oppa ma Key-Goon belum memberi Message melalui akun mereka.. jd sabar2 aj yah.....



Minho message:
Four years have already passed
since we introduced ourselves with “Hello, we are the shining SHINee”…

The SHINee members, staff, and our SHINee World
have always been together in laughter, in tears and in hard times, in happy times.
I am very thankful and thankful again for those times ~

I hope more things can become happy
as much as this time right now is ^^

Thank you for always
creating an awesome movie with me ~~
You know that the day for the ending credits to roll is still far away, right ?^^
I always want to be by your side…
I sincerely thank you and thank you again~

Thank you and I love you. ^^


Taemin's message:
I’m SHINee’s makdoongi Taemin!^^

Everyone, it’s already been 4 years for us.
There were many hiatuses and we were overseas a lot,
but I have always thought about all of SHINee World.
It’s the same for you all, right? haha

And I have finally turned 20 years old
and have become a mature man haha.
Don’t fall for me too much. ^^

Anyway, I really miss you.
Please wait a little longer, everyone. Huhu we will run to you quickly haha.
Anyway, please look forward to SHINee who is growing up quickly.
Continue to give us lots and lots of love~

I love you, SHINee world

This has been SHINee’s Taemin
who has become a cute but cool man.

Bbuing bbuing~