Read it Please..!!!

My Boys

My Boys

Monday, December 31, 2012

Saturday, December 29, 2012

[VIDEO] All Gayo Daejun Performance 291212 


Pada tau kan kalau hari ini lagi Berlangsung Acara Tahunan SBS.. yaitu Gayo Daejun..
Di Gayo Daejun kemarin 28 Des., penampilan para bintang K-POP sudah sangat memukau..

Nah Untuk Hari ini Penampilan mereka tidak kalah dengan kemaren... byar tidak penasaran Mimin akan Share Video penampilan mereka hari ini 29 Des.. So Check This Out,..!!!

Click Link-Nya Yah... yang di samping Artisnya.. ^_^

All Performance 29 Des 2012

- Opening + MC  - VA

- SHINeeSherlock

- Sung Si Kyung & CL 2ne1 - Stage Duet

- Secret - Talk That

- Glam - I Like That

- CNBLUE and FT ISLAND - Colaboration Stage

- T-Ara - Sexy Love
- Teen Top - Crazy + To You

- EXO - Mama

[VIDEO] SHINee "SHERLOCK" at KBS Gayo Daejun 291212

Source By krisbrows04

[291212] SHINee Red Carpet Gayo Daejun

Source By krisbrows04

Friday, December 28, 2012

[VIDEO] All Gayo Daejun Performance 281212

Pada tau kan kalau hari ini lagi Berlangsung Acara Tahunan SBS.. yaitu Gayo Daejun..
Acara ini di hadiri banyak Arist Loh.. nah untuk tanggal 28 hari ini.. Mimin akan Share Video penampilan mereka.. So Check This Out,..!!!

Click Link-Nya Yah... yang di samping Artisnya.. ^_^

All Performance 28 Des 2012

- Opening - Various Artist

- Miss A - Touch

- B1A4 - Baby Good Night

- Secret - Poison / Talk That

- Ailee - Halo

- T-Ara - Sexy Love

- Son DamBi - Tears Pouring Down

- K.Will - Ribbon In The Sky

- Hyorin - Sway

- Suzy Vs Hara - Dance Battle

[VIDEO] SHINee "SHERLOCK" at KBS Gayo Daejun

Source by monmonsnowSeason6

[VIDEO] "Idol Super Band" KBS Gayo Daejun 281212

Source by monmonsnowSeason6


Source By SMTOWN

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

[INDOTRANS] SHINee “MAQUIA Magazine” Interview, February 2013

SHINee maquia magazine february 2013

Jati diri dari 5 pria yang kita ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang….

Para pria yang terlalu indah, SHINee!

Para pria yang mempesonakan fans mereka dengan kemampuan menyanyi yang luar biasa dan pertunjukan saat mereka melintasi batas-batas dan generasi, Sebenarnya mereka berumur  20 tahun-an. Mereka berbagi banyak hal dengan kami, dari pemikiran mereka mengenai cinta dan gaya hidup untuk episode di MV terbaru mereka.


Leader yang melindungi para anggota dengan hatinya yang lembut dan tenang.
Lahir pada 14 Desember 1989. Leader SHINee yang baik hati. Pesonanya terletak pada suara mellow nya, bernyanyi dengan suara yang menenangkan yang juga disertai dengan kehangatan. Tempat yang ingin dia kunjungi adalah Fuji-Q Highland di Jepang!


Kakak yang kalem dan romantis dengan karakter yang kuat.
Lahir pada tanggal 8 April 1990. Semangat nya dan nada suara  tinggi nya yang kuat adalah pesonanya. Dia baru-baru ini bergabung dalam game mobile di mana Anda menebak gambar.


Pergi menuju max di dunianya! Fashionista yang mempesona.
Lahir pada 23 September 1991. Pemimpin gaya yang mengubah banyak fashion untuk menjadi dirinya sendiri. Dia sangat pandai merawat orang lain dan para member menganggapnya seperti “seorang ibu”.


Bahkan aktif sebagai seorang aktor. Badan yang proporsional dengan hati yang ramah dan penuh gairah.
Lahir pada tanggal 9 Desember 1991. Suaranya yang yang rendah, bergema  adalah pesonanya. Dengan gaya seperti model dan wajah manis, ia bahkan terlibat dalam drama televisi. Sebuah sisi darinya, sangat benci dan marah bila kehilangan sesuatu.


Saat ini, dia berkembang pesat menjadi seorang pria. Maknae yang sangat dicintai, Anda tidak dapat mengalihkan pandangan mata Anda dari nya.
Lahir pada 18 Juli 1993. Seorang dengan berbagai gaya dari kemampuan dance yang langka. Sangat dimanja karena ia adalah yang termuda dalam group. Mimpi nya yang ingin di penuhi di Jepang adalah “Berenang bersama dengan lumba-lumba di Okinawa”.

Mengeksplorasi rahasia dari 5 pria yang membuatnya berkilau!

5 member yang terus berkembang dan menampilkan pesona mereka.
Sebuah wawancara langsung untuk mengeksplorasi pada ‘originalitas’ yang membuat meeka berkilau seperti ini!

Monday, December 24, 2012

[INDOTRANS] SHINee’s Interview In SWITCH Magazine, January 2013

SHINee SWITCH Magazine 2013


Mereka berharap bisa memimpin generasi ini dalam musik, fashion dan tari. SHINee mengklaim konsep “band kontemporer” untuk menggambarkan keinginan mereka sementara mereka terus membanjiri pasar musik Jepang.

Gambar terbaru dari 5 pria yang mencoba untuk mengembangkan kecakapan memainkan pertunjukan yang melintasi batas-batas negara dan generasi.

Single baru yang dirilis baru-baru ini, “For 1000 Years, Always be By My Side…” yang ditulis oleh Junji Ishiwatari. Ini adalah lagu ballad pertama mereka yang dirilis sebagai sebuah single. MV ini memiliki alur cerita yang didasarkan pada lagu dan telah dibuat seperti sebuah film pendek sesuai dengan liriknya.

Sudah lebih dari 1 tahun setengah sejak debut mereka di Jepang.  Apa yang mereka merasakan mengenai kegiatan mereka sampai saat ini?

“Saya mengalami banyak hal dan menikmati pengalaman saya dengan banyak orang”. (Onew)

“Saya membuat banyak teman-teman saya juga senang dapat mempelajari berbagai informasi tentang budaya Jepang..” (Jonghyun) *abis ke Jepang mulu seh Oppa.,*

“Selalu ada sesuatu untuk dipelajari setiap kali saya datang ke Jepang. Itulah mengapa saya selalu berharap untuk itu setiap kali..” (Key)

“Melalui satu setengah tahun ini kami mampu membangun sebuah karir baru. saya senang dengan hal itu”. (Minho)

“Ini bagus, jarak antara kami dan penggemar Jepang kini diperpendek”. (Taemin) *itu karena kalian sering sekali datang ke Jepang akhir-akhir ini………

Wawancara ini dilakukan tidak lama setelah single “Dazzling Girl” dirilis. Ketika ditanya mengenai lagu, Jonghyun, mewakili 5 dari mereka, menjawab, “Ini adalah lagu yang bersinar dan ceria, jadi saya berharap lagu ini akan didengarkan setiap pagi”.  4 anggota lainnya juga mensetujui. *Hhahahahay.. oppaku memang yang paling aktif.. clkckck*

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

[BTS]SHINee 1000 Years Always By Your Side

Source by 19810121com

[INDO TRANS] Jonghyun and Key “SHINee TALK 2 YOU Vol.2″ Interview in JILLE Magazine, January 2013

 155450_45JongKey for SHINee's "TALK 2 YOU Vol.2" Interview in JILLE Magazine, January 2013 FULL5572091147050_54638381_n


P-COAT – Pea coat + koordinasi kemeja akan memberikan efek mengagumkan dalam detail Jonghyun dan Key,  yang diketahui akrab dengan kehidupan sehari-hari mereka membuat penampilan mereka untuk volume kedua ini! Keduanya yang sangat tertarik pada fashion berbicara tentang mantel pea yang merupakan tema untuk bulan ini, dan juga berbicara tentang fashion para gadis.

Kami berdua berbicara secara terbuka, itu sebabnya kita dapat saling memahami.


Orang-orang selalu berpikir bahwa aku orang yang dingin ketika bertemu saya untuk pertama kalinya karena aku malu dengan orang asing. Kemudian kesan itu akan berubah bila kita terus bersama-sama. (*Jjong itu akan sangat banyak bicara bila kau mengenalnya lebih lama.. kekeke :D )


Yup, itu banar. Aku berpikir seperti itu juga karena kau tidak banyak bicara. Saya diberitahu bahwa saya terlihat menakutkan, tapi di sisi lain saya juga diberitahu bahwa saya terlihat seperti orang yang sangat ceria. Siapa yang akan berpikir bahwa kita bisa sedekat ini. Namun, kami butuh 2 tahun untuk menjadi seperti ini. (*Apa karena Jjong menganggapmu orang asing hingga kau dan Jjong harus melalui 2 tahun untuk bisa menjadi teman akrab seperti sekarang?)


Kami mengambil waktu yang cukup lama (tertawa). Seperti untuk saat ini, kami menghabiskan banyak waktu bersama-sama bahkan di antara para anggota.


Saat kami bersama-sama, kami mengetahui bahwa kami mempunyai minat yang sama dan ada banyak hal-hal lain yang kita juga miliki kesamaan didalamnya. Kami berdua suka pakaian, makanan favorit kami sangat mirip, dan kami berdua tertarik dengan bahasa Jepang.


Namun, setiap kali kita pergi berbelanja pakaian, kita harus pergi ke toko yang kau (Key) inginkan, kemudian ke salah satu toko yang aku ingin pergi karena kami menyukai merek yang berbeda. (*jadi nganterin Key dulu, abis itu Key ganti nganterin Jjong belanja ke Toko yang Jjong suka…)


Bahkan ketika kita pergi berbelanja kita menginginkan hal yang berbeda. Karena kita adalah anggota, itu tak dapat dipungkiri bahwa kami memiliki liburan pada hari yang sama. Sebagian besar waktu saat kami bertemu tidak pernah direncanakan sebelumnya, setelah menanyakan keberadaan satu sama lain kita akan bertemu setelah itu. Karena kami keduanya laki-laki, saya tidak bisa mengatakan bahwa kami sedang berkencan … Apa yang tepat untuk menyebutkan hubungan ini? (*kata-kata yg tepat apa ya……..?? ya Best Friend :D )


Aku ingin tahu hal itu seharusnya disebut apa? (tertawa). Namun, benar-benar nyaman berada didekat Key. Aku tahu selera Anda, semuanya. Misalnya, ketika aku pergi ke sebuah toko pakaian sendirian. Aku berpikir, “Ini terlihat seperti itu akan sangat sesuai dengan Key”, kemudian penjaga toko mengatakan kepada saya, “Key menginginkan itu sebelumnya”. Key juga tahu selera saya dengan baik sehingga setiap kali Anda (Key) memberi saya pakaian sebagai hadiah ulang tahun, tidak pernah salah. Kita mengenal satu sama lain sampai seperti itu. (*pelayan itu membohongimu Oppa, dia mengatakan Key menginginkan itu sebelumnya agar kau membelikannya untuk key, hehe :D , Kau tahu begitu banyak tentang Key… JongKey Forever ^^)


Itu karena kita berdua saling terbuka. Kita jujur ​​dalam mengungkapkan pendapat kita, mengatakan apa yang kita sukai dan apa yang cocok untuk Anda dan apa yang tidak, itulah bagaimana kita bisa saling memahami.

Hal yang paling penting adalah apakah itu sesuai dengan orang itu atau tidak.


Key tidak suka pakaian yang sama seperti yang dipakai oleh orang lain, kan?
(*Wah……. mahal ni. Jadi semua pakaian harus bikin sendiri atau yg dibuat cuma satu didunia. Apa kau malu bila pakaian yang kau pakai sama dengan yang dipakai orang lain?? Tapi aku pernah lihat kau memakai pakaian sama dengan yg dipakai Jjong.. hehe :D )


Yup. Itu sebabnya setiap kali aku pergi ke toko aku bertanya pada staf di sana, “Berapa banyak pasang pakaian ini yang tersedia di toko ini?” Aku suka salah satu dari pakaian sejenis.


Saya suka pakaian yang pas di tubuh saya (body size). Ini akan membuat saya terlihat ramping. Saya tidak benar-benar menggunakan gaya seperti di pemotretan hari ini, tapi saya akan berpikir untuk membeli dan mencoba pakaian seperti ini untuk musim dingin tahun ini. Ini bagus karena hangat. (*selain Jjong suka yg press body, dia juga suka yg gag ada lengannya… :) )

[AUDIO] SHINee – The World Where You Exist

Source : allkpop

SHINee Interview For Teenage Magazine Dec 2012

Annyeongggg Yeorobuunnn...
Mimin bawa Interview SHINee dengan majalah Teenage lohhhh...
Ada Quiz nya Lagi.. Quiznya seru loh...!!!

Happr Reading n Happy watch..!!!!

For Full Size Click View in New Tab

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

[MV] All KARA's Solo Collection Korean Version

KARA Nicole – ‘Lost’

KARA Hara – ‘Secret Love’

SHINee’s “1000 Years,[ENG TRANS] Always by Your Side” Culturally Assimilates Death

Kali ini mimin bawa article dari seoulbeats...
Article ini membahas tentang single 1000 Years, Always by Your Side -Nya SHINee... sebenarnya tentang konsep MVnya seh..

Hmmmm... Mianeyo... mimin tidak bisa translate k INA., alnya artcle panjaaaaang banget.. hehehehe... dan juga mimin lagi banyak tugas kuliah yang menumpuk.. maklum aj mahasiswa tingkat akhir.. ckckckck... #HUaaaa.. Alasan aj deh min... :)

Well., Happy reading yah.. n saran mimin neh., mending sediain kamus dlu dah.. byar gampang gitu.. ckckck.. ^.^

SHINee, the under-appreciated younger sibling of the SM family, has gone under the radar in establishing quite the year for themselves. Like their much beloved older siblings, TVXQ, Super Junior, and Girls Generation, they follow a similar blueprint in spreading their popularity overseas upon cementing a strong domestic foothold, which means promoting ambitiously in Japan and solidifying a place for themselves in the world’s second largest music market. After spending much of their time promoting in Japan during the course of 2011, SHINee fulfilled their domestic duties earlier in the year with the promotional release of “Sherlock.” They almost immediately refocused their attention back on Japan by releasing the Japanese version of “Sherlock,” followed by “Dazzling Girl” in September, and now their third Japanese single of the year and sixth overall, “c.”  This year we’ve already seen Girls Generation’s effort at proving their vocal talent by releasing original ballads in Japan. SHINee follows the trend by doing something that would be a foolhardy attempt in Korea, which is to promote a full-on ballad. Due to the Korean market’s high level of competition, artists tend to stick with their established niche in order to guarantee expected returns in their promoted releases. Although it wouldn’t be a completely bad idea for SHINee to release a ballad in Korea, it wouldn’t be likely that a slow tempo ballad would come close to realizing the level of success that was achieved by a catchy dance song like “Sherlock.”

Having not spent much time in the SHINee World (what does Shawol even mean?), this was my first time hearing a slow tempo, vocally driven, and non-dance track from the group. Needless to say, I was impressed. SHINee demonstrated their tremendous vocal potential upon their earlier releases “Replay” and “Love like Oxygen,” but their songs vocally digressed when they were enwrapped in the auto-tuned dance craze which spawned the likes of “Ring Ding Dong” and “Lucifer.” Luckily, their Korean and Japanese releases this year did a good job in highlighting their vocals along with their choreography and we were reminded of the vocal prowess of Onew, Jonghyun, and Key in “Sherlock” and “Dazzling Girl.” With “1000 Years, Always by Your Side,” SHINee displays their true vocal potential by eliminating the intense choreography that at times distracts from the vocals and providing an emotional storyline which accompanies this sweet and sentimental song.

Despite being a contrived effort at pulling on the viewer’s heart strings, the storyline in the MV puts an emotional spin on death that assimilates with Japanese cultural beliefs. Death is a mystifying topic that is prevalent in Japanese and Korean pop culture. The history and foundation of Asian horror cinema is based off of the concept of unfinished business from the deceased who were somehow wronged in their time of life. From The Grudge to Whispering Corridors, there are multitudes of stories of ambivalent spirits sidestepping the ritual process of passing into the afterlife and electing instead to wander the realm of the living as malicious ghosts that haunt and murder innocent unsuspecting folks draw from traditional Shinto and Buddhist beliefs of death.

In case there was any confusion (I know I had to watch the MV several times to fully comprehend the plot), the story is about a father whose goal is to help his child overcome his (terminal?) illness through joy and laughter. However, his initial attempts are futile as he becomes more of a bystander and witness to his son’s weakening state. In the end, he opens up a magical suitcase which unleashes an avalanche of balloons, an event which finally succeeds in bringing a smile to his son’s face. As the plot reveals that the father was actually dead the entire time, the resolution showing the father happily boarding the bus which launches into the sky implies that he has completed his obligation to his family and thus he may crossover peacefully into the afterlife.

In Japanese culture, the idea of debt and obligation is very essential to the living as well as the dead. It is believed that every person embodies “On,” or a burden of obligation which must be repaid throughout the course of one’s life. “On” may be in the form of short or long term debts depending on one’s relationship with others, but what it fundamentally implies is that a person’s life must be spent in honor of one’s debts, from debts owed to one’s family members to those owed to the larger community. Upon death, unpaid debts linger forever with the deceased unless the customary rituals are performed so the dead may peacefully crossover to the afterlife. It is through this context of making amends with the dead that makes death such an important event in Japanese culture. It is also the reason why the lurking dead in Japanese horror movies are so distortedly evil.

Although a ghost story centered on a theme of love may not be all that original nor groundbreaking, the plot of the MV proves to be quite a fitting complement to “1000 Years, Always by Your Side.” SHINee moves away from singing about teenage bubblegum love to a deeper, to a more compassionate form of love which is more pertinent to the love shared by lifelong lovers or the love between father and son. Situated in the context of “On,” the father’s seemingly hopeless despair and longing to be there for his son is intensified by the fact that his obligation to his son and his family will never be met. His final act of redemption is to give his son one last surprise, a symbol of cheerful hope that represents his love and dedication to his family, in life and in death.

Another prevalent theme in the MV is the idea of time and waiting. Here is where our beloved band members play a role in the story. The members are apparently dressed as Death, but unlike the negative image of the grim reaper that is so widespread in the Western context, Death plays a passive role in this case, acting more as a worried bureaucratic employee who frets at a delay in schedule. This sense of waiting and being on time is evident in the pocket watch that Jonghyun holds and checks throughout the MV. Fortunately for the distressed Taemin, who seems to have undertaken a managerial position for Death, Inc., the father arrives just on time to board his bus and there are no complications.

The emphasis on time, especially that of being on time, is in reference to the 49 days that a deceased soul must go through to transition into the afterlife. During this time, the loved ones of the deceased must conduct the proper funeral rites to mourn, make amends, and to send off the deceased spirit. The mourning process that a family must undergo for the recently deceased is also said to improve the deceased spirit’s status for the upcoming judgment. At the end of the 49 days, it is believed that the deceased spirit passes through judgment and enters the afterlife. Since the father died in an unfortunate accident, it seems that there had to be even more of a reconciliation process in order for his spirit to rest peacefully. After completing his final task, it seems that the story’s protagonist made it onto the transportation vessel just in line with the 49 day transition period to be able to travel harmoniously into the afterlife. From the upward trajectory the bus was taking, we can assume that he received a fair judgment.

As manipulative and premeditated as the storyline may be, one can’t help but feel touched at the end by the story’s sense of goodwill. This story works on so many different levels. As a plot in the MV, it goes very well with the flow and meaning of the song. For international audiences, it presents a touching theme of love and compassion that can be universally relatable. Most importantly, it is able to connect with its targeted audience on a deeper social-cultural level. The producers behind “1000 Years, Always by Your Side” did their homework on this project and created a product that goes beyond the meaningless dance music that K-pop groups are known for. Seeking to appeal to a more mature and meaning-seeking Japanese audience, SHINee’s latest release shows a stunningly mature side of the boys, one which is surely welcomed in Japan, Korea, and most other places.

 SHINee is quietly having one of their best years in existence. They’ve done so by marketing mostly outside of Korea, solidifying their position in Japan, and rivaling their SM siblings on Japan’s Oricon charts. They’ve done so by exploring a niche that many artists and companies have not attempted in their ventures in the Japanese market. They’ve done so by showing a side of themselves that many were waiting for and many more will come to appreciate for its matured sensibility. Lastly, they are showing a side of K-pop that is different from the generic choreographed fare that has given it such a low-brow reputation in certain parts of the world. At a time when K-pop is receiving much political backlash from neighboring regions to the point where K-pop’s most successful acts in Japan have been uninvited from Japan’s most prestigious year-end music awards program, SHINee is making quite the push to give K-pop a new name and reputation that will hopefully resonate with the cultural similarities Korea shares with its neighboring countries and transcend the scope of regional politics.

Overall Rating: 4.2 out of 5
On a lighter note, a special completed version of the MV will be shown on a website referred to as “Black Cat Cinema” for a three-day limited time basis. This is quite the interesting and unique marketing tactic. Make sure to catch the special showing between the days of December 7th and 9th and to let us know what you think!

Source by  :
EMI Music Japan